Indonesia Healthy Card as a Form of Concern for the People with Disabilities

The Indonesia Healthy Card (KIS) is a health program launched under the administration of President Jokowi on November 3, 2014. Make no mistake between the Healthy Indonesia Card and the Social Security Organizing Agency (BPJS). Kartu Indonesia Sehat is an extension of the National Health Insurance (JKN) program organized by BPJS. So, Indonesia Sehat Card is the program and BPJS is the organizer. The contents of the program from the Indonesia Healthy Card (KIS), among others:
  • Guarantee and ensure that the community is less able to get the benefits of health services organized by BPJS Health.
  • Expansion of the scope of Contribution Beneficiaries (PBI), which includes People with Social Welfare Problems (PMKS) and newborns.
  • Provides additional benefits in the form of preventive, promotive and early detection services.
The Indonesia Sehat Card is specifically for the underprivileged Indonesian people. The contributions were paid by the government. In other words, the recipients of the Indonesia Sehat Card are the underprivileged people who have not been registered as Recipients of Contribution Aid (PBI). What is meant by underprivileged communities is a group of people who are in the lowest social order. Those who are included in this class are considered unable to sustain economic life independently so that they cannot live properly. At least, in Indonesia there are still one million poor families with a number of family members of up to 4.5 million people. They are the ones who are entitled to benefit from the Indonesia Sehat Card program.

Use the Indonesia Healthy Card

Technical health services for Indonesia Sehat Card holders are the same as the way that has been done in JKN services by BPJS, which is a tiered referral system. So, participants can check themselves in the first level health facilities that include clinics, health centers, or individual doctors. If there are health problems that cannot be treated at the first level health facility, you can ask for a referral to seek treatment at the next health facility, such as a hospital. Men or women at any age are entitled to this service. In providing maximum health services, the government has prepared 19,682 first-level health facilities and 1,574 state and private hospitals, for Health Indonesia Cardholders. The Indonesia Sehat Card has indeed been launched by the government, but the Health BPJS still enforces Askes Cards or other health cards for users to get health services.

Maintaining Health

Even though the government has given the Indonesia Healthy Card, of course it would be much better if the community continued to maintain general health. Health is a priceless treasure. Many times you just realize that health is so important after suffering from a severe illness. Therefore, do not leave a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle that you can live every day is:
  • Running or brisk walking for at least 30 minutes every day.
  • Eat vegetables and fruit every day.
  • Keep the environment clean.
As a complement in ensuring health conditions, do not forget to do a health check at the clinic or hospital in anticipation of disease. Finally, health is a right for all humans. All levels of society, including underprivileged groups, have the right to be healthy and get the best health services. Utilizing the use of the Healthy Indonesia Card as much as possible is appropriate, but never forget that maintaining health is far more important than having to seek treatment because it is already sick.


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